For security breaches, contact our team at 201-825-1255 ext. 7 or

For security breaches, contact our team at 201-825-1255 ext. 7 or

The 8 Wastes: Non-Utilized Talent

As one of the 8 Wastes of Lean, the waste of non-utilized talent is, in some ways, the saddest and most frustrating waste. But, fortunately, there are solutions. It is sad because one manifestation of it is “wasted potential.” If you have employees with potential – to learn, to stretch, to do more – and […]


GLEN ROCK, NJ, USA, March 20, 2023 / Secure Technology Integration Group (STIGroup) a firm that provides cybersecurity and IT consulting, engineering, and managed security services, has reached an agreement to purchase Lithan Networks, a national managed IT firm headquartered in Pennsylvania. This initial acquisition is a part of a larger strategy being employed by […]

Leadership in ’23

During the pandemic, I sent periodic notes to the leaders that I coach with thoughts, guidance, perspective, etc….you know, coaching advice. As I was reflecting back on those notes, and preparing to send out a new set of notes for 2023, I realized that many of the same issues and challenges for leaders exist. 2022 […]

Secure Technology Integration Group (STIGroup) Joins New Net Technologies (NNT) Partner First Program

New Net Technologies (NNT™), a global cybersecurity and compliance software provider, is pleased to announce a partnership with Secure Technology Integration Group (STIGroup), a cybersecurity firm providing consulting, secure IT engineering, managed security services and human capital solutions. With over 20 years of experience in the cybersecurity industry, STIGroup is dedicated to delivering people, processes […]

Leadership – What Now?

At the onset of the pandemic, I observed several key leadership behaviors (or competencies) that seemed to be critical for leaders. So many felt as if they were in a maze, not sure of the direction to take, with many dead ends. As a result, we created a program called “Crisis Coaching and Communications” which […]

Documentation: The Underappreciated Value of Meeting Notes

Meeting notes don’t get much respect or appreciation, but they have saved me or my company a number of times. This experience has made me a dedicated notes taker at every business meeting I’ve attended for many years now. So how have meeting notes saved me or my company? By compensating for imperfect recollections – […]

What Does a Customer Need to Know About Project Management?

When you hire a consulting company, you are hiring them for their expertise. In STIGroup’s case, our expertise is in cybersecurity and technology, and our engineers and consultants are very good at what they do. So why would you want to pay an additional fee to have a project manager involved? Typically, the fee for […]

What is a Phishing Attack & How Do I Fight It?

What is phishing? Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. It can also be for the purpose of having people click on links that download malware. How prevalent is it? According to a new […]

Should Your Company Switch to Microsoft 365 (M365)?

What is the difference between M365 and O365? M365 and O365 are both products that include Microsoft’s Office suite – Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Teams. O365 (formerly known as Office 365) allows you to pick and choose services a la carte. M365 offers security, mobile and productivity services bundled in a less costly package. M365 […]

10 Guidelines for Effective Meetings

One of the key skills that a Project Manager needs to bring to the table – whether the table is virtual or physical – is the ability to facilitate an effective meeting. These easy-to-follow guidelines can be put into practice by anyone today! 1) Invite the right people – An effective meeting starts by ensuring that all […]

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