For security breaches, contact our team at 201-825-1255 ext. 7 or

For security breaches, contact our team at 201-825-1255 ext. 7 or

As the need for Cybertalent grows, employers are seeking reassurance through certifications

As the need for Cybertalent grows, employers are seeking reassurance through certifications

The growing demand for cybersecurity talent, paired with the emphasis on certifications, highlights the urgent need for organizations to strengthen their cybersecurity strategies. With only 20% of professionals holding the necessary credentials, organizations face challenges in filling cybersecurity roles. Investing in in-house training and recruiting strategies to develop internal talent is crucial for building a robust cybersecurity team. By addressing these dynamics, organizations can better protect against cyber threats and safeguard their digital assets.

The State of US Cybersecurity Employment: Analyzing Growth, Demand, and Retention Challenges

The State of US Cybersecurity Employment: Analyzing Growth, Demand, and Retention Challenges

KEY TAKEAWAYS: INTRODUCTION In the evolving landscape of the digital age, cybersecurity continues to emerge as a paramount concern, underscored by the escalating costs and frequencies of cyber incidents. In 2023, the United States saw a surge of cybersecurity incidents: the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) reports an  unprecedented surge in complaints, with 880,418 grievances […]

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