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For security breaches, contact our team at 201-825-1255 ext. 7 or

Project Management

STIGroup can act as your company’s internal or external project management office, helping to deliver projects on time, as ordered and within budget. Some of the services within our Project Management Office include virtual project management, business continuity planning, process mapping and process engineering.


The Project Management Office provides consulting solutions tailored to fit your business needs. Consulting solutions provided include the following

Virtual Project Management

The virtual Project Management Office (vPMO) can be used by smaller companies that have no project managers, or by larger companies that have project managers but lack an area of expertise. The vPMO can be retained to deliver

Initial Department Design or Delivery

If you are creating a new PMO, STIGroup can setup your tools and templates, and provide startup guidance to your Project Management team.

PMO Throughput Improvement

If your team is not completing projects on time, STIGroup’s PMO can analyze the cause and work with the team to remediate the issues.

Resource Management Implementation

If your PMO is in a rapid growth phase, resource management can help predict the need, allowing the new hire process to fill the need before the project is delayed.

Template /
Tool Development

If your team lacks standard templates, or if you are implementing a new PPM tool, STIGroup’s PMO can set you up for success.

Waterfall to Agile Conversion

If you are interested in changing your project methodology from Waterfall to Agile, STIGroup can put all the pieces in place to ensure a smooth conversion.

Cyber Project Management

Your company’s Technology and Cybersecurity projects may require a specific project management skill set, even though you have the internal technical resources to complete the work. STIGroup’s PMO can be retained to supplement and complement your staff for projects including


  • Hardware installation

  • Software Development

  • Software Configuration

  • Project Management will make whatever technology change you are implementing go smoothly. Whether hardware installation, software development or software configuration, project management will help you deliver on time, as ordered and within budget.

Upgrades – Windows, Mac, Mobile

Your system upgrades and updates will occur more smoothly with a project plan that covers the pre-work, maintenance window, testing and roll-back plan.

Sunsets - Legacy Systems

Project management can help you save money by sunsetting those legacy systems that have been replaced.

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